2-4: Building Server-Side Web Language Processors

I completely agree with the point of view that Ariel Ortiz gave in the paper "Building Server-Side Web Language Processors". In this paper he covered a lot of topics that I have been learning during all my courses of my professional career.

I found interesting that he briefly and concisely describes how you can mount a webserver from scratch and also liked that he warned us that this was not trivial and was time consuming. I learn how to mount a server using an EC2 computer (AWS service that allows you to have a computer on the cloud) in my Web Development course.

At the start of our eight semester the instructor Ariel Ortiz told us that the compiler will be going to be on a webserver. At first, I though "Ok, I was not expecting that" because the previous course of compiler design was directly run on terminal. But then I thought that it was a good opportunity to try new things that will give me more tools to my future work, so I am a little desperate to get to that part of the project.

In general, the compiler design course has been challenging, but I am liking a lot all it good and bad things, I am having a lot of fun in a subject thing that I was not experiencing since Programming Fundamentals (also taught by Ariel Ortiz).

Finally, the paper it is complete enough of all the considerations that we need to have in order to mount a compiler into a web format, it ranges from mounting a web server to enabling the security to that, so I found surprising and interesting enough the paper written by Ariel Ortiz. I found interesting the part of how to integrate the language within the HTML tags (this thing I actually did not see it in my Web development subject, so as the people says "every day you learn something new").


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